Sloughi Fanciers Association of America

The Sloughi Review issue 4
The Sloughi Review issue 3
The Sloughi Review issue 2
The Sloughi Review issue 1

Crufts 2017
Watch beautiful Sloughi Sasheer Sandara win BOB
The epitome of  Sloughi Type
Breeder Carol Davies, Owner Lisa Smith

February 2017, important read, Nancy Lovelady's article
"The Sloughi in AKC: why a genuine North African dog is more important than ever"

Dr. Dominique de Caprona writes a comprehensive article
"Understanding the Sloughi"
 in Sighthound Review, Winter Issue 2017

upon request from the editor

Dr. Dominique de Caprona explains Sloughi ears
Understanding Ears in Sloughis

December 2016, SFAA donates generously to the ASNAS fundraiser to benefit
Sloughis in their countries of origin: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia

These pages, the text and images within them, are copyrighted by SFAA 1995-onwards.They may not be reproduced without written permission from the Sloughi Fanciers Association of America. 

The Premier American Sloughi club
, established 1988

National Parent Club of the Large Gazehound Racing Association

It is only through SFAA that the Sloughi is now recognized in all American Sighthound Performance events: NOTRA, LGRA, ASFA, AKC

Dedicated to the authentic North African Sloughi